Sabtu, Desember 20, 2008


Oh, secret admirer

When you’re around the autumn feels like summer

How come you’re always messing up the weather?

Just like you do to me..

Ada yang beranggapan jadi secret admirer termasuk orang pengecut yang gak berani ngungkapin perasaan, egois gak mau berbagi perasaan. Apapun itu yang jelas haknya mereka masing-masing, toh mereka punya alasan, lagi pula yang namanya mengagumi seseorang tak selamanya berujung jatuh cinta kan?.

Akulah orang yang selalu menaruh bunga

dan menuliskan cinta di atas meja kerjamu,

akulah orang yang kan slalu mengawasimu,

menikmati indahmu dari sisi gelapku...

Seperti yang dijabarkan oleh “SECRET ADMIRER”, ada beberapa alasan mengapa mereka memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang secret admirer terhadap seseorang. Beberapa di antara mereka ada yang lebih merasa nyaman memendam perasaan tanpa orang lain tahu, tak sedikit pula yang terang-terangan menunjukkan perasaannya.

Bagi seseorang, jadi secret admirer itu menyenangkan, penasaran dan menyakitkan. Setidaknya itulah sebagian 'efek samping'nya. Siap-siap aja cemburu saat si doi jalan bareng cow/cew-nya, siap-siap sibuk dengan rencana untuk mencari perhatiannya, siap-siap kecewa saat doi ternyata gak sehebat, sejenius, setangguh, sepintar (dan lain) yang kita duga. Kalo dah gitu jangan patah hati lho, without her/him life must go on ,. . . .


Enaknya :

* Jauh dari gosip,issue,rumor,dan sejenisnya,, kan ga ada yg bakal tau kecuali ………???
* Bebas…buat ngeliatin “dia”, ngebayangin “dia”, mengkhayal & mimpiin “dia dlm versi apapun.
* Ga bakal ada yg cemburu maupun dicemburuin *mode: bingung…..maksudnya apa ya??.
* Bikin semangat…..adrenalin meningkat tanpa harus olahraga ataupun minum multivitamin energy drink
* Bikin rajin….rajin mandi,rajin cari duit,dan sebagainya —> rasa males ilang klo inget “dia”.
* Selalu pengen tersenyum kl ingat “dia”,, baik utk kesehatan wajah & jiwa.
* Memunculkan ide2 kreatif yg dpt meningkatkan kecerdasan otak,, terutama sekali klo pas pengen ketemu “dia”

Nggak Enaknya :

* Harus bias memendam perasaan.
* Mesti harus selalu bias jaga rahasia serapat – rapatnya.
* Boros Ngabis-abisin duit banyak cuman pengen cari perhatian / sekedar pengen liat “dia”. Menyita waktu,, waktu yg buat kegiatan rutin abz cuman buat mikirin “dia”.
* Memunculkan rasa rindu yang teramat sangat dalam.
* Menumbuhkan rasa penasaran tentang all about “dia”.
* Menimbulkan rasa cemas, was-was, gundah-gulana, blingsatan setiap mengingat “dia” yg ga tau lg dimana dan lg sama siapa.

Hal penting yg harus ada pada seorang Secret Admirer :

Psikis dan Mental yang kuat,, untuk mengatasi rasa2 yang ga karuan
(seperti: kangen, penasaran, cemas, dsb) dan sebagai pelindung kalo2
secara mendadak ditinggalkan “dia” atau “dia” ternyta dah ada yg punya
hikshikshiks . . . . . . .

Memang menjadi pemuja rahasia itu gak gampang n gak susah,ada beberapa syarat mutlak yg harus di penuhi.. yaitu :

* Cari tau siapa sasaran ato idola yg bakal lo puja....
* yang pasti berlawanan jenis kelamin,jgn yg sama...klo sama brarti LESBONG n HOMO !!!!!!!!!
* Tahahn mental(apa lagi klo dia banyak penggemarnya,ato malah dah punya cowok or suami!) ,moral( ini lo harus jaga sikap agar bs lebih asik ama idola lo) n sedikit material ( yg ini klo lo mo traktir si "idola' lo itu).
* Tetaplah berjuang sampai pada akhirnya,sapa tau aja dia mau ama elo...akirnya krn kepepet!!!...............

Lagu wajib “soundtrack and theme song” buat para Secret Admirer :
1. Dia dan Aku (Evo)
2. Secret Admirer (Mocca)
3. Pemuja Rahasia (Sheila On 7)

Bukannya pengecut (tapi kamu boleh saja anggap aku pengecut, it’s ok),
tapi memang menjadi secret admirer adalah cara yang paling aman dalam memuja wanita. Bersembunyi di kegelapan, diam-diam memperhatikan gerak-geriknya ketika berjalan, sekali waktu mencuri pandang dalam-dalam ke wajahnya yang memang sejuk dipandang.

Tapi menjadi secret admirer harus tahu akan risiko. Kau boleh cemburu habis-habisan, tapi kau tak bisa protes. Kau boleh menangis tatkala yang kau puja tak sedikitpun menaruh perhatian, tapi kau harus sadar bahwa memang itulah risikonya. Kau boleh patah hati ketika sang kekasih menjatuhkan pilihannya kepada seorang pria yang beruntung, tapi kau tak boleh bunuh diri karenanya. Salah sendiri perasaan itu kamu pendam sendiri. Kalau tak mau sakit seperti ini, jangan jadi secret admirer. Utarakan perasaanmu ke sang kekasih. Jika diterima, akan lebih baik bagimu. Dan jika ditolak, kau bisa segera terbang ke lain hati. Tapi mungkin aku memang orang yang aneh, aku justru menikmati sakit karena ini. Dan rasanya aku lebih siap patah hati karena ditolak daripada harus memegang tanggung jawab dan komitmen ketika aku diterima.

Menjadi secret admirer adalah tindakan yang egois. Sang kekasih tak pernah tahu bahwa ia menjadi tokoh yang sangat dikagumi pengagum. Ia tak pernah diberi kesempatan untuk ikut memberi perhatian, atau bahkan ikut memberi cintanya. Dan yang paling parah, ia mungkin akan memilih orang yang tak bisa mencintai sedalam aku mencintainya.

Tapi sebenarnya, menjadi secret admirer artinya bahwa itu tak pernah serius. Itu hanya permainan perasaan belaka. Perasaan itu boleh dikendalikan oleh hati. Namun keseriusan dikendalikan oleh logika otak. Cinta mungkin memang buta, tapi keseriusan itu tidak. Jika kamu memang serius dengan cintamu, secret admirer adalah tindakan yang pengecut. Jika kamu serius dan siap memegang komitmen, maka berilah kesempatan dia untuk tahu perasaanmu. Berilah kesempatan dia untuk juga mencintai dan memilikimu. Tapi kamu juga harus memberi kesempatan dia untuk mendepak kepalamu ketika kau berlutut memohon cintanya. Dan ditolak dengan cara itu bukanlah suatu kekalahan. Harga diri tak pernah berkurang sedikitpun karena kamu telah membuktikan bahwa kamu jantan dan tanggung jawab. Tanggung jawab terhadap perasaanmu ke dia. Jauh lebih jantan daripada perbuatan seorang pengecut yang menyembunyikan diri, tak berani bilang sayang karena takut harga dirinya jatuh. Jadi, nyatakanlah cintamu sekarang kawan, sebelum dia diambil orang. Go go go!

catatan :

pd umumnya yg ngaku2 sbg seorang secret admirer tu adlh seorang yg "PENGECUT"...

Selasa, November 25, 2008



They don’t give you a right
They just giving you a fight
As you hold on to the bright light
Shall he send you the might to night

Black amplifier

You’ve been shouting for your right
You are losing all your sight
Hold on to the bright light
His might tonight

Don’t wanna sleep too tight
Don’t wanna give up all my fight
Hold on to the bright light
His might tonight

Black amplifier
Black provocateur
Black amplifier
Black anglo fire



My baby is a horse
she’s running out my course
papa was the first to taste
her meat was what she has

learning time and doing
now she’s humming na, na, na, na, yeah, uh yeah

once i’ve tried to stop her, said
“are you trying to get killed by standing on the street side?”

My baby is a horse
she’s running out of course
smoking grass with guess
one that squeezing her chest

learning time and doing
now she’s humming na, na, na, na, yeah, uh yeah

once i’ve tried to stop her, said
“are you trying to get killed by standing on the street side?”



I gave evil my heart
And escaped to the dark
I’m weak in so many ways
I’ve worked so hard
To get the band to the chart
But I’ll die anyway

If I could choose
I’d be there drinking brews
Tired of getting loose
If I could feel the noise
I’d rather play with the toys
And there would be no choice

Forgive me my heart
I’ve escaped to the dark
So weak in so many ways
I’ve worked so hard
To get this not to apart
But I’m tired today

If only I took
The truth in the Book
There would be no hook
If I could feel the noise
I’d rather play with the toys
And there would be no choice

No Hook,No Hook, No Hook
No Hook,No Hook, No Hook



We are the noodle generation
Our foods are made of preservation
We don’t need your education
Things not set in proportion

Look around in our perspective
Don’t acting to naive
You know it’s all tentative
You know dog foods are expensive

We are the starving brain
We are the naked in the rain
This is no heaven sends
The new generation end

We are the hooker generation
We don’t need your education
I only count my intuition
Things are going malfunction

Look around in our perspective
Don’t acting to naive
You know it’s all tentative
You know dog foods are expensive

We are the starving brain
We are the naked in the rain
This is no heaven sends
The new generation end



I hope we could be allright again
Smoke and laugh at my cigarette brand
I hope we could drive nowhere end
Listen To yours and my favorite band

I don’t have to tell you what I’m feeling
Don’t need to know for whom your feeling is
I just really want to see your face again
And those smile I’ve seen when you’re crying

And we drink together
I will hold my thirst
Will hold my lust to get higher
And we drink together
Will hold my thirst
So I could drive you home first



You got me lying
on the ground
but if you find me
don’t mess me round
get girls left and right
gonna sleep all day
and dream all night

get my cash get my carrier
you want my money dont get near dear
bite the fingers no I don't care
this is my sweet revenge

or may be we could go for ride
you got me tired till sun go down

if I could live in new York
if only I could live in new York

got me talking on radio
coz people going back to rock n roll
looking me and my big scar
now don't miss me I am missing somehow
get my cash get my carrier
you want my money don't get near dear
bite the fingers no I don't care
this is my sweat revenge

or may be we get more higher
you got my head and spinning round around



there’s a man with a friendly plea
who drinks coffee rather than tea
I've been listen to his Phropercy
and I don' t need another

he smoke superfine clove cigarette!

there's a man who fight for demand
well I could never win the game
my heart to protect
my mind still attack
how could u tell who’s to blame

world is full of amateurs
they acting like a pro
if I could talk like a Holly man
can i be the cannonist to?

superfine clove cigarette



chilling in the street
around her midnight chase
with her high heel shoe
and her pale bold make up face
working late, making money, have some fun
she's like a walking time bomb blues
in this sin city

dunno what to do
when she's sitting there alone with you
dunno what she is
is she he or is she she

soul sister
feeling lonely playing hard
with hero own gun
she could run from the pigs barrier
yet still around
fell in love in your white BMW
I know you like her too
but do you know she's so untrue

dunno what to do
'coz she's really in love with you
dunno what to do
hide her big bollock from you?



save me save me now
come on everybody got to go
help me going on of this
my hair is kin going to blow

give me medicine or cure
or placebo going to work it all

I really loved the disco, come on
give me some rock n’ roll



His mouth’s whole lot of dirty words
The church sings out of mighty chords
Rather speak none clue
Than make a world a zoo
He drank whole lot of lot of booze
Nerve strips on the marbles blues
In a poor old Reagan views
I’m fighting while I’m confused

Just say no
Let it go
Say no just let it go

He lost whole lot of honesty
Mosque spread new prophecy
In a poor old Reagan views
I’m fighting while I’m confused
He drank whole lot of lot of booze
Nerve strips on the marbles blues
In a poor old Reagan views
I’m fighting while I’m confused



I wanna live forever
whom you realize forever means together

I hope you know
when you say it wasn’t over
for the third times
I hope you know
you make me wanna give me something, more and more

aaa.…wanna give you hold
all the time
and wear you robe
it’s just, for the pooring rain
that never end
all the time
(my life is raining all the time)

I wanna live forever
I’m the oak tree
forever scar the stranger

I wanna grow my hair and nails you up my life
I hope to do change your last name and be a wife

aaa… wanna share my lungs
all the time
it' s face the sun
it' s just, like a burning pain
that i be alone
all the time
(my life it’s burning all the time)



I’m a kind of man
Who’d never start a fight
For those about to getting heavy
I would hold ?€?em tight
Never feel a weight
In the way you complaining
For you I’ve given the will
Fate that never hestitating

Babe, it’s going to be alright

Never easy to see
Things that never seen
So hard to comprehence
The fools I’ve been
Possibility is infinite
And it may vary
Personality is folded
And none simple as binary

Babe, it’s going to be alright

Let’s hope that time is on our side
Let’s through it all
And we might be alright



You fade in lie
Can’t even fix your tie
Sexy machine on a glue
Take a posy pose with the cruel
You got to look in to my eyes
I’ll give truth to your eyes
I’ve got the devil inside
My green brown eyes

Dried by your pride
Keep burn my heart inside
You’re beautiful as a whore
You stand on me as a foe
I’ve got the devil in my eyes
Something that you want to hide
You got to look in to my eyes
And see me cry



I give u money Everyday
and now you walking away like I never give u anything
I know see him alone everyday but I don't care
last thing is to do is to f**ker

now honey show me what u got
can u make me waking up all day?

I know u to him good everyday but I don't care
last thing is to do is to f**ker
I know u shakin' alone all night
I know u turn him blur all night
I know u makes me blue all night
I know u fuckin' alone all night



dun talks no more
I don't wanna listen to those bullshit anymore
dun talks no more
I don't wanna listen to the craps anymore
dun talks no more yeah..

did I ask yr opinion?
u only talk when I want u to do so

dun talks no more..
I don't wanna hear bout it or think bout it
I don't want to face around my friend
and I don't want to wheels around my gang

Sabtu, November 08, 2008

Lirik "i remember" & "secret admirer" by Mocca

Mocca - I Remember

I remember...The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember.. The way you read your books,
yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes,
yes I remember
The cake you loved the most,
yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee,
I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star,
yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that december
And the way you smile at me,
yes I remember

Mocca - Secret Admirer

Oh, secret admirer
When you're around the autumn feels like summer
How come you're always messing up the weather?
Just like you do to me....
My silly admirer
How come you never send me bouquet of flowers?
It's whole lot better than disturbing my slumber
If you keep knocking at my door

Last night in my sleep
I dreamt of you riding on my counting sheep
Oh how you're always bouncing
Oh you look so annoying.

Dear handsome admirer
I always think that you're a very nice fellow
But suddenly you make me feel so mellow
Every time you say hello

And every time you look at me
I wish you vanish and disappear into the air
How come you keep on smiling?
Oh! You look so annoying.

My secret admirer
I never thought my heart could be so yearning
Please tell me now why you try to ignore me
'Cause I do miss you so
['cause I do miss you so...]

My silly admirer
['cause I do miss you so...]
My handsome admirer
['cause I do miss you so...]
Dear secret admirer
['cause I do miss you so...]
'Cause I do miss you so
['cause I do miss you so...]

LIRIK EFEK RUMAH KACA - cinta melulu & GOODNIGHT ELECTRIC - bedroom avenue

Efek Rumah Kaca - Cinta Melulu

Nada-nada yang minor
Lagu perselingkuhan
Atas nama pasar semuanya begitu klise
Elegi patah hati
Ode pengusir rindu
Atas nama pasar semuanya begitu banal
Oh oh…Lagu cinta melulu
Kita memang benar-benar melayu
Suka mendayu-dayu
Apa memang karena kuping melayu
Suka yang sendu-senduLagu cinta melulu

Goodnight Electric - Bedroom Avenue

Your eyes, your lips
You whisper to the air
Night is gone
Stars are falling down
I kiss you so gently
You smile for a while
My arms around you
And you keep asking me
How about
The distance around you
The distance around me
The distance around you
The distance around me
The distance around you
The distance around me
The distance around you
The distance around me


Minggu, Oktober 26, 2008

teori khayalan

ketika berkhayal lebih nikmat daripada kenyataan yang terjadi.